Hello! I’m Jennifer Hutzler and welcome to The Sugarplum Palace, a blog where I will share Holiday and Home Decor Inspirations with you. I post new content weekly. 

My husband and I began building our home right after we got engaged and graduated college. Our goal was to finish building our home before our wedding. My husband is a builder, so we were able to custom build our home and design it just the way we wanted. We quickly realized that we both share a passion for creating beautiful and usable spaces. Throughout the past 17 years, we have been able to turn our home into a place we love to be. Our home is our great escape, so what you will see in this blog are experiences in our journey to create spaces that we love. 

I live in West Virginia with my two beautiful daughters and my husband, Josh. Josh works near D.C. and his career allows him to be on the cutting edge of home building trends and home style, which is helpful to me in my decorating endeavors. I always love to tour his model homes for inspiration. I have a degree in Marketing and worked in the marketing field until my oldest daughter was born. 

What does Sugarplum Palace mean?

I have a passion for decorating for every holiday, occasion, and season. Sugar Plums remind me of the holidays, because of their associations of beautiful holiday trimmings and embellishments. The word palace is a term of endearment to refer to your home! I will be sharing home renovations, home decorating, and holiday decor (for every holiday). I am excited to take this journey with you!